A School for the Art of Dance

dance school cary nc
Professional Training Program
The Triangle Academy of Dance Professional Trainee Program is a program for dancers ages 18 and older who wish to continue refining their artistry and technique while gaining professional experience in full-length classical ballet and contemporary performances professionally staged throughout the year.
Dancers are auditioned and selected to participate in the Trainee Program by invitation from Artistic Director, Annette Hagopian.
The Professional Trainee Program is a rigorous program where dancers train and rehearse, in addition to taking evening classes throughout the week in ballet, pointe, variations, jazz, contemporary and a number of master classes through-out the season.
The program will allow time for dancers to have a part time job or pursue further academic studies along with their training hours in the studio.
Schedule and Tuition:
The Trainee Program begins in mid-August and runs through the beginning of June.
Dancers will train and rehearse 6 days/week totally 25+ hours per week
Tuition Free for successful applicants.
Annual Performance Opportunities:
4 Full-length Classical Ballet Performances (2 winter and 2 spring)
2 Performances with student choreography showcases- (fall and spring)
4 Community Outreach Performances
Spring Recital
For more information or to set up an audition for the Trainee Program, please send emails to director@triangle-academy-dance.com
Admission is by audition only.
*Apprentice positions are unpaid positions and dancers receive unlimited free classes and performance opportunities with the company.
Ladies also receive a Pointe Shoe stipend of three pair of free pointe shoes per semester.
Apprentices also have the opportunity for paid assistant teaching positions at the Triangle Academy of Dance.
All applicants must submit required materials:
It is required that the individual auditioning provide the following:
· Audition fee of $25.00
· A headshot with ballet hairstyle
· First arabesque photo (ladies – on pointe)
· A video or YouTube link of less than 5 minutes including barre and center work. Ladies on pointe
· A resume
For in-studio auditions, proper attire is required.
Required attire for girls:
· pink tights
· black leotard
· ballet slippers
· pointe shoes
Required attire for boys:
· white t-shirt
· full-length black tights
· black ballet slippers
To set up an audition please send all required materials to:
Annette C. Hagopian
Executive/Artistic Director
Triangle Academy of Dance, Inc
2918 Kildaire Farm Road
Cary, NC 27518
Or email materials to- director@triangle-academy-dance.com
*Audition materials will not be returned